
Christmas Morning Surprise

We woke up early and made coffee. Said our Merry Christmas’s to each other and waited for the kids to get up. The house smelled like the holidays and I started on breakfast. I was having the neighbor’s coming downstairs with their kids along with some friends over for a holiday breakfast extravaganza before we started the day of family participation. Dimples and I exchanged gifts in the kitchen and within minutes of hearing wrapping paper crumpling the kids were up.

We opened the gifts Santa left under the tree than each person opened their stocking. The friends and neighbors arrived and the house was a buzz with holiday spirit. I love Christmas, the feel, the mood, the gift giving, the food. It embodied everything that was important to me; friends family and food. We took pictures and cleaned up wrapping paper and all sat around finishing coffee and chatting in our pajamas on that lazy Christmas morning. I loved it. I was happy Dimples and I could bounce back so quickly to a place where love and happiness abounded.

We got everyone together and headed over to my parents house where the festivities continued. We had a tradition where only the kids get gifts and everyone gets a stocking at my parents and it’s a round and round circle of gifts and thanks and surprises. My father is the Italian cook in our house and he makes a spread fit for a king. We ate, drank and the entire day was merry. As the day came to a close, we got ourselves together and headed over to Dimple’s parents’ house for our celebration with them. It was more low key, but none the less still wonderful and filled with joy.

We both had had a bit to drink, but were feeling good and once we got to my house we laid in bed reflecting on the day. Dimples began to speak “I am so glad I didn’t miss today. I am so glad we worked things out. I had the most amazing day and I’m so glad I spent it with you. I have to be honest…..I don’t want to be THAT gut anymore. I don’t want to push you away or make you pay for things you don’t know you’ve done. I’m going to be there for you no matter what. I love you and you are the most important thing in the world to me.” I believed him. That night, I believed him. I had no idea that only a few days later, my entire world would change, but that’s how life is isn’t it? It can change on a dime.

Christmas morning surprise

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