
12 Days of Christmas – 4

For the next 12 days I will be posting highlights & successes of my past year.  AccidentallyAllison will be celebrating an anniversary at the end of the month and I thought it’d be great to take a look back on the year both professionally and personally.

So here’s number 4 in my countdown – September

  • My baby got her license!
  • I love back to school
  • I got an official Yankee Game ball from a Yankee game
  • I had my very first In Person Meet & Greet Session for AccidentallyAllison and it was a HUGE success
  • Meet & Greet Photos was my highest viewed post this month
  • This month was an out of my comfort zone month and I loved it, even though every minute of it was scary as hell


Do you have successes you’d like to share?  Do so under this post!  Would love to hear them, no matter how big or how small. Take a look back on your year, we go through so much, there are bound to be tiny surprises you forgot about, but now’s your time to make them shine!

Number 3 – October tomorrow!



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